Elections are coming up, the media acts like a hungry shoal of sharks with blood in the water. The pressure to live in the frequency of fear and stress is high at the moment. Either side of the spectrum wants us to believe that the world is ending if the other side wins. If we aren't careful we get sucked into the drama of our kind. We get infected with the mind virus of fear and negativity.
These are the times when inner stillness and finding a center are so very important. Your spiritual journey comes to a test, are you able to stay present throughout?
I'm writing this to remind you and to invite you into the inner peace of your Higher Self. Remember that deep within each one of us lives the inner space of unfathomable wisdom and Love. As you come Home to yourself, focus yourself into your sacral chakra and into your Heart chakra, you find that calm inner state which will give you the strength to stay centered through these times.
Come December the election has passed and we are continuing with our lives, deepening our experience, going further on this journey of living the adventure of the unknown. Please let the drama of our civilization rest, leave it alone to live out its own trajectory.
Recognizing what is within our control and what is not is paramount to our state of mental or inner health through this process. And when we find that we can only control our own reaction to outer events it becomes that much easier to relax into the deeper state of tranquility within us.
So remember your meditation practice, remember your healing journey, come on in for a visit if that is on your radar.
So Much Love and Blessings. Shaman Marcus